Gingerbread rolls

Nowadays, when we think of Christmas sweets, we think of melomakarona, kourampiedes, and gingerbread. Gingerbread has entered our homes well and fully, and the little hands have loved its ginger aroma ever since he was little. So, this year, I decided to use it somewhere else as well, transforming the cinnamon rolls into gingerbread rolls. Thus, we have this fluffy and delicious treat in a much more festive and Christmas-y version, egg free and refined sugar-free. In this venture, the beloved white petimezi by Cretan Nectar was my ally, and thus the recipe became vegan as well. The result? Not only justified my decisions, but we also loved it.

What we are going to need

For the dough

  • Flour. For the healthy gingerbread rolls, you’ll need all-purpose flour.
  • Yeast. Dry yeast, to ensure they rise well.
  • Olive oil. Is there a better oil than our own olive oil?
  • Milk. I personally used goat milk, but you can use any kind of milk you happen to have at home, even plant milk.
  • White petimezi by Cretan Nectar. I’ve mentioned white petimezi before. It’s suitable for children over the age of 6 months old, but like all sweeteners, it should be used in moderation before the age of 2 years old. In contrast to normal petimezi, it has been processed at lower temperatures without caramelizing, and as a result doesn’t have the characteristic bitter flavour of the classic petimezi, adding its unique flavour to the mixture.
  • Spices. Ginger, ginger, and more ginger! Ah, sorry, we won’t be using just that, but also cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. If you don’t like ginger’s intense flavour, use less, but remember that we’re making ginger rolls!

For the filling

  • Dates. Medjool dates are truly one of my favourite ingredients. You can use normal dates too, but you’ll need to soak them first.
  • Spices. Everything you used in the dough.
  • Milk. Plant or animal, anything you happen to have.

For the topping


  • The dough needs quite a bit of kneading in order for the gluten to be activated and reach our desired fluffy result.
  • The recipe can be made without a mixer, but you’ll need to knead the dough for a while.
  • The milk must be tepid, or at least at room temperature.
    It’s best to eat the gingerbread rolls on the same day.
  • After the ginger rolls have cooled down, store them in an airtight container for 3–4 days.
  • You can store them in the freezer, and when you want to eat them, let them come to room temperature first. That way, you can store them for up to 3 months.

How the little hands can help

  • Your little helpers can weigh the ingredients.
  • They can spread the dough with the rolling pin and fill it.
  • They can decorate the gingerbread rolls.

For the dough

  • 430 g all-purpose flour
  • 250 g milk (plant or animal), tepid
  • 35 g olive oil
  • 60 g white petimezi by Cretan Nectar
  • 8 g dry yeast
  • 1 ¾ tsp ginger
  • ¾ tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp nutmeg
  • cloves

For the filling

  • 250 g Medjool dates, pitted, at room temperature
  • 60 g milk
  • 20 g white petimezi by Cretan Nectar (optional)
  • 1 tsp ginger or cinnamon

For the topping

  • 140 g cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 20 g butter, at room temperature (optional)
  • 30 g white petimezi by Cretan Nectar


  1. Add all ingredients into the mixer bowl and beat with the hook until you have a uniform dough.
  2. Lightly oil your hands, a large bowl, and then the dough.
  3. Move the dough to the oiled bowl and cover with saran wrap. Set aside in a warm place until the dough doubles in size, for about 1 to 1½ hours.
  4. For the filling: add all ingredients to the blender and mix until you have a paste.
  5. After the dough has risen, lightly oil your working surface, flour your rolling pin, and spread the dough into a thin sheet.
  6. Spread the filling on the surface of the dough with a spoon.
  7. Wrap the dough, creating a large roll, and cut it into equal pieces.
  8. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, then place all pieces next to each other.
  9. Cover with a towel and set aside for 30 more minutes for the dough to rise.
  10. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C, set to fan, for about 20 minutes, depending on the size you’ve cut them, until they attain a beautiful golden-brown colour.
  11. For the topping, mix all ingredients and serve the rolls with the mixture.

1 hr
20 mins
1 hr 20 mins
